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Academy of Fortepiano Performance 2024

Audrey Axinn, Maria Rose, and Masayuki Maki,
Resident keyboard faculty

Fortepiano Performance Workshop
May 25-June 2
Guest faculty: Andrew Willis
Guest artists: Elizaveta Miller, Nicola Canzano,
and Jiayan Sun

Chamber Music Workshop
for Fortepiano and Strings 
June 2-8
Guest faculty: Cynthia Roberts and Phoebe Carrai

The 2024 Academy presents masterclasses and performances by fortepianists Elizaveta Miller (McGill University), Nicola Canzano,  and Jiayan Sun (Smith College).The chamber music workshop will be led by violinist Cynthia Roberts, cellist Phoebe Carrai and members of the resident keyboard faculty.

Historical Piano Technology Workshop
May 22-24
Masayuki Maki and Richard Hester, faculty

The third Historical Piano Technology Workshop will be offered at the Piano Museum of the Catskill Mountain Foundation and offers a unique opportunity for those interested in learning about tuning and maintaining historical pianos.
For more information on this year's workshop please contact


Applications are due March 15, 2024 If offered placement, tuition payment is due upon arrival.

Reduction for pianists who attend both workshops will be considered

Some scholarships available for advanced musicians



Fees for Resident Students include tuition, room, three meals a day, and all events

1. Attendance Costs for Fortepiano Students May 25-June 2:

$1400  double occupancy room. A limited number of private rooms (single occupancy) with bath are available at a $200 surcharge

Apply here

2. Attendance Costs for Pianists and String Players June 2-8:

$1250 double occupancy room. A limited number of private rooms (single occupancy) with bath are available at a $150 surcharge

Apply here

3. Attendance Costs for the Piano Technology Workshop May 22-24:

$450 double occupancy room.

Apply here

Attendance Costs for Resident Auditors:

May 25-June 2: $900; June 2-8: $750 (includes double occupancy room, meals, and all events)

Attendance Costs for Non-Resident Students (includes tuition and all events):

$850 for the Fortepiano Performance workshop and $700 for the Chamber Music workshop

Daily fee for auditors and guests or chaperones attending any lessons, classes, lectures, masterclasses or concerts$60 per day 

The 7th Academy of Fortepiano Performance is expanding its offerings in the world of historical pianos, Instruction will address technique, stylistically informed interpretation of classical and early-Romantic repertoire, and piano construction and maintenance. In addition, several lectures  and demonstrations will highlight a variety of performance practice topics. Daily individual instrumental lessons are complemented by group demonstrations, and the week-long study culminates in a final student concert in Weisberg Hall. 

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