Academy 2021: Schedule of events
Daily private lessons
5.00 pm: Lecture demonstrations and lecture recitals
7.30 pm: Open classes
Due to international travel restrictions and the Delta variant of the Corona virus, we conducted a modified version of the Academy. The participation of invited guest artist Pierre Goy from Switzerland had to be postponed until next year. Instead, we offered a residency program to young professionals, who presented a lecture recitals and made a video of a performance at the Museum. In addition, fortepiano students received private lessons, open masterclasses, and participation in a final concert.
Highlights of the 2021 Academy were shown in the October International Fortepiano Salon.
Tuesday August 24
Afternoon: Arrival and check-in for students
8.00 pm : Faculty recital at the Evelyn Weisberg Hall
Pianos by Anton Walter (replica), John Broadwood, and Conrad Graf
Audrey Axinn, Maria Rose, and Yiheng Yang
Beethoven: Bagatelles op. 33
J.L. Dussek: Sonata op. 61, Élégie harmonique
Robert Schumann: Noveletten, op. 21
Wednesday August 25
5.00 pm: Lecture-recital by Stephanie Schmidt
Square pianos and their repertoire
Thursday August 26
5.00 pm: Lecture by Hilda Huang
"The politics of instrumental pedagogy"
Patricia Garcia-Gil: "Spanish women composers on the piano"
Friday August 27
5.00 pm: Lecture recital by Charles Metz
"Muzio Clementi: The man and his music"
Saturday August 28
8.00pm: Student recital
Sunday August 29
Morning: Breakfast and Departure