2018 Academy of Fortepiano Performance
May 27 - June 4, 2018
Romance & Glamour: A 19th Century Piano Soiree
Featuring Guest Artist, Pierre Goy
with Audrey Axinn, Cynthia Roberts, Maria Rose & Yiheng Yang
Sunday, May 27 @ 8:00pm
Doctorow Center for the Arts, 7971 Main Street, Village of Hunter
Saturday, June 2 @ 8:00pm
Doctorow Center for the Arts, 7971 Main Street, Village of Hunter
“Rubato, Element of Musical Discourse” with Pierre Goy
Monday, May 28, 2018 @ 2:00pm
Doctorow Center for the Arts
Originating in Italian aria singing in the 17th century, rubato is an essential technique for the interpretation of vocally-inspired piano music in the 18th and 19th centuries. This lecture will discuss the history and application of rubato on period pianos.
“Applying Violin Bowing Expression on the Clavichord” with Masayuki Maki
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 @ 7:30pm
Red Barn
This lecture-workshop will explore how keyboardists can execute and express group of notes (figures) by applying violin bowing patterns.
Lecture and Masterclass with Malcolm Bilson
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 @ 2:00 pm
Doctorow Center for the Arts
A pioneer in the period of instrument movement, Malcolm Bilson has been a key contributor to the restoration of the fortepiano to the concert stage. He recently received the James Smithson Bicentennial Medal at the Smithsonian Institution as a pioneer in the performance of period instruments and chamber music in general.
“Viennese Fortepianos: Keeping Up with Technical Needs” with Richard Hester
Thursday, May 31, 2018 @ 7:30pm
Red Barn
This is a practical workshop on understanding and taking care of Viennese fortepianos, and also addresses the need to include the use of one’s listening ear in the process of tuning and regulating an instrument. The significant factors of durability of materials and humidity will also be discussed.
“Character and Topic as Avenues to Interpreting Classic and Early Romantic Music” with Raymond Erickson
Friday, June 1, 2018 @ 2:00pm
Doctorow Center for the Arts
Raymond Erickson is an internationally recognized scholar and keyboard performer and is one of America’s most experienced teachers of historical performance practices.
Masterclass with Andrew Willis
Sunday, June 3, 2018 @ 11:00am
Doctorow Center for the Arts
A professor of music at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Andrew Willis is committed to the study, performance, and teaching of the widest possible range of keyboard repertoire on historically appropriate instruments.